In part one, we talked about what a Continuous Monitoring and Ongoing Maintenance Program should entail. Another huge part of the plan is to create a schedule to do the manual tasks required and to put human eyeballs on some of the tasks that may be automated. We’ll talk about that here as well as...
Tag: cmmc
Your Guide to Continuous Monitoring and Ongoing Maintenance for CMMC
As most of us have figured out, compliance isn’t a one-time, set it and forget it kind of thing; it’s an ongoing commitment. With systems and threats always changing, it’s crucial to have a continuous monitoring and ongoing maintenance program in place. This includes continuous monitoring of the system, regular monitoring of controls, maintenance, and...
Meeting CMMC Standards – 10 Major Challenges to Overcome for Success
The purpose of the CMMC program is to verify that contractors have proper safeguards for Controlled Unclassified Information (CUI) and Federal Contract Information (FCI) by moving from self-assessment to third-party or government assessments. This marks a significant change for DoD contractors, aimed at increasing accountability and ensuring the implementation of cybersecurity controls across the defense...